Psychedelic Sex Survey 2022

Researchers from the Indiana University – Bloomington School of Public Health and the Center for Sexual Health Promotion want to learn about how psychedelic drugs affect the sexual experience.

Despite decades of media and popular culture associating sex and drugs, we know very little about how psychedelics, specifically, impact sex for recreational users.

In order to help us understand the phenomenon of psychedelic sex, we invite you to participate in the Psychedelic Sex Survey 2022 (PSS22) if you:

  • Are at least 18 years old


  • You have had had at least 1, consensual sexual experience while taking psychedelics.
    • “Sexual experience” can mean vaginal, anal, or oral sex, masturbation or any other sexual stimulation done for pleasure
    • “Psychedelics” can include LSD, mushrooms, ketamine, MDMA, mescaline, or DMT

The PSS22 is anonymous, confidential, and will take most people between 10-20 minutes to complete. Your responses will help us understand psychedelic sex and shape the direction of future research.